
Made for Games


1 minute to read

What’s all this about tracking?

This post is mostly a heads up that I’ve setup some self hosted analytics using Plausible which describes itself as:

Plausible is lightweight and open source web analytics. No cookies and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR. Made and hosted in the EU, powered by European-owned cloud infrastructure 🇪🇺

I found that I really didn’t want to setup a full Google Analytics system and really am trying to separate my development practices away from leaning on proprietary tooling as much as possible. When I did a quick search looking for self hosted analytics tools (after squashing the urge to just build one myself) I found Plausible and it checked all the boxes I cared about.

You’ll also notice that if you use an ad blocker it’s probably already blocking it, which is by design! I deliberately used an obvious tracking URL to make sure it was caught by default instead of trying to be sneaky. If you’d like you can white list http://tracking.apps.oequacki.com and I’ll be able to gather your statistics.

In the interest of fairness, I’ve also made the analytics publicly available, you can check it out here.