Getting Docker to not suck for Development
Too Long; Won’t Read
The short, sharp, and shiny of it all is docker containers usually run as
, so when you mount your local file system to it, it writes files as root
to your machine. This bugs me and causes issues. The fix is to build your docker
image with a non-root
user that has your UID
and GID
. You can see my
example in this zip file.
Unzip that and run these commands to get a working website on localhost:3001:
dx/exec bin/setup
dx/exec bin/run
To shut it down do the usual ^C
and then run dx/stop
to stop the docker
The Situation
No, not him. I’ve just finished reading and working through
Sustainable Dev Environments with Docker and Bash by Dave
Copeland. It was a great read and has helped me reach a place where
I’m now happy with docker as a development
environment (so far, it’s only been a couple days). This is actually something
I’ve tried to do a few times in the past, but have never found anything that
worked sensibly or didn’t add a lot of friction to my development experience.
Dave’s approach of using a running container that does nothing and you
launch your commands via a helpful dx/exec
has proven to remove nearly all of
that friction.
Now, you’ll notice I said nearly. That’s because it didn’t cross one of my biggest complaints about using docker as a development environment off my list. And that complaint relates to file ownership.
Let’s take this Dockerfile
for instance.
# Dockerfile
FROM debian
CMD ["touch", "blah.txt"]
If we now run
docker build . --tag ownership-example && docker run --mount type=bind,source=.,target=/app ownership-example && ls -l
on OSX using docker desktop you’ll see a very sensible result of:
sean@Seans-MacBook-Pro ~/tmp/beep
$ docker build . --quiet --tag ownership-example && docker run --mount type=bind,source=.,target=/app ownership-example && ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r--@ 1 sean staff 65 2 Oct 10:40 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 sean staff 0 2 Oct 10:41 blah.txt
Yeah, I’ve named my work MacBook very creatively, but the main take away here is
that blah.txt
is owned by sean
. A very sensible and expected outcome of
having run a command not as a root user (right?). If we repeat this experiment
on my Debian system using the standard docker
install you’ll notice an
interesting difference.
sean@Atom ~/tmp/beep
$ docker build . --quiet --tag ownership-example && docker run --mount type=bind,source=.,target=/app ownership-example && ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 2 10:40 blah.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 sean sean 65 Oct 2 10:34 Dockerfile
My Debian system is much more creatively named Atom
because it used to be
powered by an Intel Atom CPU. The
actual take away here though is that blah.txt
is owned by root
This happens because the default user in a docker container is root
. The
reason this doesn’t happen on OSX is because docker desktop has to do a bunch of
things to actually get your mounted folder inside the virtual machine it runs
your docker container in. So I’m guessing they do some magic to prevent these
sorts of things from leaking out. So what can we do about this? First, let’s
establish a scenario.
The Scenario
Let’s setup a sample application with just enough complexity to be annoying. It’ll be a little sinatra application that pulls a little info out of redis. This gives us some ruby code to work with and a data store to deal with.
# Gemfile
source ""
# Webserver
gem "puma"
gem "rackup"
gem "sinatra"
# Data store
gem "redis"
# app.rb
require "sinatra"
require "redis"
set :bind, ""
set :port, 3000
get "/" do
redis = ENV.fetch("REDIS_URL", "redis://redis"))
<h1>Hello there!</h1>
<strong>Sample key:</strong> #{redis.get("sample-key") || "sample key not set!"
rescue Redis::CannotConnectError
"Can't connect to redis!\n"
Enter Docker
Let’s introduce a simple docker file to help us run this!
FROM debian:12
RUN apt-get update --yes && \
apt-get install ruby --yes
RUN gem install bundler
CMD ["sleep", "infinity"]
Pretty simple yeah? Now this simple solution will work happily if you’re using docker desktop and aren’t really fussed that Debian stable has ruby 3.1. But if you’re like me you probably want the latest ruby for all the good security fixes and what not, or maybe you’re maintaining a legacy application and need ruby 3.0. Whatever your reason it doesn’t matter. Now you might say:
Why not just use
FROM ruby:3.3
– You, probably
Well, then what if you’re working on a rails application and need a
specific version of node? You can’t just also have FROM node:latest
without multi stage builds, which won’t be very nice for development).
You’ll also be stuck running everything as root
and polluting your environment
with root
owned files (if you aren’t using docker desktop).
I had a crack at getting ruby and nodejs installed via apt-get
, then
configuring them to work as a non-root user, then booting our application. I got
very close, but it was clear this was awkward and I wasn’t able to specify
specific version of ruby and nodejs (easily).
That’s when I realised what I was doing wrong, I was treating this like a production docker image and not like a developer machine. So I slapped asdf in the image and came up with this docker file.
FROM debian:12
ENV PATH="/home/me/.asdf/shims:/home/me/.asdf/bin:$PATH"
RUN apt-get update --quiet --yes
# Install dependencies for asdf
RUN apt-get install --quiet --yes curl git
# Install dependencies for ruby compilation
RUN apt-get install --quiet --yes build-essential ruby-build libffi-dev libyaml-dev
WORKDIR /home/me/app
# Setup the group and user to match your local system
RUN groupadd --gid ${GROUP_ID} mygroup && \
useradd -ms /bin/bash me --uid ${USER_ID} --gid ${GROUP_ID} && \
chown -R me /home/me
RUN echo "source /home/me/.asdf/" >> /home/me/.bashrc && \
echo "source /home/me/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash" >> /home/me/.bashrc
RUN git clone /home/me/.asdf --branch ${ASDF_VERSION}
RUN asdf plugin-add ruby && asdf install ruby ${RUBY_VERSION} && asdf global ruby ${RUBY_VERSION}
RUN gem install bundler && \
bundle config set path vendor/bundle
CMD ["sleep", "infinity"]
You’ll probably have quickly noticed this is a bit more complicated than our previous docker files. I’ll breakdown the most important parts here and the rest I’ll leave as an exercise to the reader.
These two lines setup build arguments, we’ll use these to feed in
your local users UID
and GID
# Setup the group and user to match your local system
RUN groupadd --gid ${GROUP_ID} mygroup && \
useradd -ms /bin/bash me --uid ${USER_ID} --gid ${GROUP_ID} && \
chown -R me /home/me
These bash commands add the matching group and user to the docker image, so when we run things in the container we get sensible looking results. It also allows us to use our home directory which is very useful for a lot of development tooling.
WORKDIR /home/me/app
I’m drawing attention to this line because this is where we’ll mount the code
from our machine into the container. I’ve nested it under the docker user’s home
directory as that’s how I usually work on my local machine, so I think it makes
sense. It could just have easily been /mnt/code
or /mount/local
but that’s
up to you to decide.
# dx/docker/
image: ${IMAGE}
init: true
user: "me"
- type: bind
source: "../../"
target: "/home/me/app"
- "3001:3000"
image: redis
restart: unless-stopped
- example-redis-data:/data
This is the docker compose file which tells our app container how to
run in the background and also starts our redis server. You’ll also note the
user: "me"
line, this instructs everything we do in that container to default
to using the me
user which mimics the user on our machine.
The last bit of magic is this shell code:
# dx/
if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then
log "Using 1000:1000 since we're on OSX"
export USER_ID=1000
export GROUP_ID=1000
# Used so the app runs as your user on Linux
export USER_ID=$(id -u)
export GROUP_ID=$(id -g)
log "Using ${USER_ID}:${GROUP_ID} since we're on Linux"
You’ll note here that we force 1000:1000
on OSX, and that’s for two reasons.
Linux doesn’t usually run non-special users as a UID
under 1000, and since
you’re almost certainly using docker desktop, this will just work fine anyway.
With all of these, you can now use the dx
scripts to boot up the application!
So grab this zip file, extract it to a directory and run:
dx/exec bin/setup
dx/exec bin/run
And you should have a web application running on localhost:3001
that can contact its own redis. When you’re done with that, press ^C
and run
to stop the containers in the background.
I strongly encourage you to check out all the files under dx/
and to check out
Dave’s great book Sustainable Dev Environments with Docker and
Bash if you want to understand more about these files.
Final Notes
I’ve been using this setup for a couple of days now on my personal projects and have found it working quite well. I’m sure this isn’t a perfect solution by any means, I’m sure there will be issues I hit that make me tear my hair out. But for now, when I’m working on simple rails applications that just need postgres and redis it works fantastically. I do have it working with my feature tests using Firefox inside the container, I haven’t noticed any speed differences either.
I also haven’t had to deal with sensitive secrets, things like
AWS API keys. I suspect you can just not commit the
file. Actually now that I’ve looked into it you
can just specify multiple env
so I’d probably just have an uncommitted one that you populate before you run