Top Level Namespace
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: MTest Classes: Camera2D, Colour, Font, Image, LocalStorage, Music, Rectangle, RenderTexture, Shader, Sound, Texture2D, Vector2
Constant Summary collapse
Set to try enabling V-Sync on GPU
Set to run program in fullscreen
Set to allow resizable window
Set to disable window decoration (frame and buttons)
Set to hide window
Set to minimize window (iconify)
Set to maximize window (expanded to monitor)
Set to window non focused
Set to window always on top
Set to allow windows running while minimized
Set to allow transparent framebuffer
Set to support HighDPI
Set to try enabling MSAA 4X
Set to try enabling interlaced video format (for V3D)
When no gesture has happened
When the tap gesture was triggered
When the doubletap was triggered
When the hold was triggered
When the drag was triggered
When the swipe_right was triggered
When the swipe_left was triggered
When the swipe_up was triggered
When the swipe_down was triggered
When the pinch_in was triggered
When the pinch_out was triggered
A nice lightgray colour, 200, 200, 255)
- GRAY =
A nice gray colour, 130, 130, 255)
A nice darkgray colour 80, 80, 80, 255)
A nice yellow colour, 249, 0, 255)
- GOLD =
A nice gold colour, 203, 0, 255)
A nice orange colour, 161, 0, 255)
- PINK =
A nice pink colour, 109, 194, 255)
- RED =
A nice red colour, 41, 55, 255)
A nice maroon colour, 33, 55, 255)
A nice green colour 0, 228, 48, 255)
- LIME =
A nice lime colour 0, 158, 47, 255)
A nice darkgreen colour 0, 117, 44, 255)
A nice skyblue colour, 191, 255, 255)
- BLUE =
A nice blue colour 0, 121, 241, 255)
A nice darkblue colour 0, 82, 172, 255)
A nice purple colour, 122, 255, 255)
A nice violet colour, 60, 190, 255)
A nice darkpurple colour, 31, 126, 255)
A nice beige colour, 176, 131, 255)
A nice brown colour, 106, 79, 255)
A nice darkbrown colour 76, 63, 47, 255)
A nice white colour, 255, 255, 255)
A nice black colour 0, 0, 0, 255)
A nice blank colour 0, 0, 0, 0)
A nice magenta colour, 0, 255, 255)
The official Raylib white, 245, 245, 255)
Left mouse button
Right mouse button
Middle mouse button (scrollwheel)
Mouse cursor default
Mouse cursor arrow
Mouse cursor ibeam
Mouse cursor crosshair
Mouse cursor pointing_hand
Mouse cursor horizontal resize/move
Mouse cursor vertical resize/move
Mouse cursor top-left to bottom-right diagonal resize/move
Mouse cursor top-right to bottom-left diagonal resize/move
Mouse cursor omni-directional resize/move
Mouse cursor not allowed
No filter, just pixel approximation
Linear filtering
Trilinear filtering (linear with mipmaps)
Anisotropic filtering 4x
Anisotropic filtering 8x
Anisotropic filtering 16x
Unknown gamepad button
Dpad up
Dpad right
Dpad down
Dpad left
XBOX: Y PS3: Triangle
PS3: Square
PS3: Cross
PS3: Circle
Left trigger 1
Left trigger 2
Right trigger 1
Right trigger 2
PS3: Select
Ps Button/XBOX Button
PS3: Start
Left thumbstick pressed
Right thumbstick pressed
Left thumbstick axis X
Left thumbstick axis Y
Right thumbstick axis X
Right thumbstick axis Y
Pressure level for left trigger [1..-1] (pressure-level)
Pressure level for right trigger [1..-1] (pressure-level)
key apostrophe
key comma
key minus
key period
key slash
key zero
key one
key two
key three
key four
key five
key six
key seven
key eight
key nine
key semicolon
key equal
- KEY_A =
key a
- KEY_B =
key b
- KEY_C =
key c
- KEY_D =
key d
- KEY_E =
key e
- KEY_F =
key f
- KEY_G =
key g
- KEY_H =
key h
- KEY_I =
key i
- KEY_J =
key j
- KEY_K =
key k
- KEY_L =
key l
- KEY_M =
key m
- KEY_N =
key n
- KEY_O =
key o
- KEY_P =
key p
- KEY_Q =
key q
- KEY_R =
key r
- KEY_S =
key s
- KEY_T =
key t
- KEY_U =
key u
- KEY_V =
key v
- KEY_W =
key w
- KEY_X =
key x
- KEY_Y =
key y
- KEY_Z =
key z
Function keys key space
key escape
key enter
key tab
key backspace
key insert
key delete
key right
key left
key down
- KEY_UP =
key up
key page_up
key page_down
key home
key end
key caps_lock
key scroll_lock
key num_lock
key print_screen
key pause
- KEY_F1 =
key f1
- KEY_F2 =
key f2
- KEY_F3 =
key f3
- KEY_F4 =
key f4
- KEY_F5 =
key f5
- KEY_F6 =
key f6
- KEY_F7 =
key f7
- KEY_F8 =
key f8
- KEY_F9 =
key f9
- KEY_F10 =
key f10
- KEY_F11 =
key f11
- KEY_F12 =
key f12
key left_shift
key left_control
key left_alt
key left_super
key right_shift
key right_control
key right_alt
key right_super
key kb_menu
key left_bracket
key backslash
key right_bracket
key grave
- KEY_KP_0 =
Keypad 0
- KEY_KP_1 =
Keypad 1
- KEY_KP_2 =
Keypad 2
- KEY_KP_3 =
Keypad 3
- KEY_KP_4 =
Keypad 4
- KEY_KP_5 =
Keypad 5
- KEY_KP_6 =
Keypad 6
- KEY_KP_7 =
Keypad 7
- KEY_KP_8 =
Keypad 8
- KEY_KP_9 =
Keypad 9
Keypad decimal
Keypad divide
Keypad multiply
Keypad subtract
Keypad add
Keypad enter
Keypad equal
Android back
Android menu
Android volume_up
Android volume_down
Instance Method Summary collapse
#android? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform Android?.
#audio_device_ready? ⇒ Boolean
Returns if the audio device has been setup.
#begin_drawing ⇒ nil
Starts drawing to the screen.
#begin_mode2D(camera) ⇒ nil
Starts drawing from the perspective of the camera.
#begin_scissor_mode(x, y, width, height) ⇒ nil
In scissor mode only draw calls within the defined area will actually be drawn.
#begin_shader_mode(shader) ⇒ nil
All draw calls within will be drawn through the Shader.
#begin_texture_mode(texture) ⇒ nil
Starts drawing to the RenderTexture.
#browser? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform a web browser?.
#check_collision_point_rec(point, rectangle) ⇒ Boolean
Checks if a Vector2 is inside a Rectangle.
#clear(colour: RAYWHITE) ⇒ nil
Clear the screen with the specified colour.
#clear_background(colour) ⇒ nil
Clears the screen with the specified colour.
#clear_window_state(flags) ⇒ nil
Clears the specified states on the window, to pass in multiple you can do so like:
. -
#close_audio_device ⇒ nil
Closes the audio device.
#close_window ⇒ nil
Close the open window.
#cursor_hidden? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the cursor is hidden.
#cursor_on_screen? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the cursor is in the window.
#disable_cursor ⇒ nil
Disables the cursor and hides it.
#draw_circle(x, y, radius, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle.
#draw_circle_gradient(x, y, radius, colour1, colour2) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle filled with a gradient.
#draw_circle_lines(x, y, radius, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of a circle.
#draw_circle_sector(vector, radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle sector.
#draw_circle_sector_lines(vector, radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle sector outline.
#draw_circle_v(vector, radius, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle.
#draw_ellipse(x, y, radius_h, radius_v, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw an ellipse.
#draw_ellipse_lines(x, y, radius_h, radius_v, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of an ellipse.
#draw_fps(x, y) ⇒ nil
Draws the current frame rate at the passed in x and y coordinates.
#draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a line between the start and end points.
#draw_line_bezier(start, stop, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a bezier curve between the start and end points using Vector2s and specified thickness.
#draw_line_bezier_quad(start, stop, control, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a bezier curve between the start and end points passing through the control using Vector2s and specified thickness.
#draw_line_ex(start, stop, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a line between the start and end points using Vector2s and specified thickness.
#draw_line_strip(vectors, colour) ⇒ nil
I honestly don’t know how this method is supposed to work, I thought I had bugs in my code but reproducing it in plain C++ causes it to do the same things.
#draw_line_v(start, stop, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a line between the start and end points using Vector2s.
#draw_pixel(x, y, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a pixel.
#draw_pixel_v(position, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a pixel using a Vector2.
#draw_rectangle(x, y, width, height, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle.
#draw_rectangle_gradient_ex(rectangle, colour1, colour2, colour3, colour4) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with a gradient from each vertex.
#draw_rectangle_gradient_h(x, y, width, height, colour1, colour2) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with a gradient horizontally.
#draw_rectangle_gradient_v(x, y, width, height, colour1, colour2) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with a gradient vertically.
#draw_rectangle_lines(x, y, width, height, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle outline.
#draw_rectangle_lines_ex(rectangle, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle outline with the specific thickness.
#draw_rectangle_pro(rectangle, origin, rotation, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with rotation.
#draw_rectangle_rec(rectangle, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle.
#draw_rectangle_rounded(rectangle, radius, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
#draw_rectangle_rounded_lines(rectangle, radius, segments, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of a rectangle with rounded corners.
#draw_ring(vector, inner_radius, outer_radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a ring.
#draw_ring_lines(vector, inner_radius, outer_radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of a ring.
#draw_text(text, x, y, font_size, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws the current frame rate at the passed in x and y coordinates.
#draw_text_ex(font, text, position, font_size, font_padding, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws the text at the given position, size, padding, and colour with the specified font.
#draw_texture(texture, x, y, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws a texture, the colour will apply a tint and alpha levels.
#draw_texture_pro(texture, source, destination, origin, rotation, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws a section of texture with the specified rotation to the scaled to the destination rectangle, the colour will apply a tint and alpha levels.
#draw_triangle(left, right, top, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a triangle.
#draw_triangle_lines(left, right, top, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of a triangle.
#drawing { ... } ⇒ nil
Allows you to call rendering functions within the block.
#enable_cursor ⇒ nil
Enables and shows the cursor.
#end_drawing ⇒ nil
Ends drawing to the screen.
#end_mode2D ⇒ nil
Stops drawing from the perspective of the camera.
#end_scissor_mode ⇒ nil
End scissor mode.
#end_shader_mode ⇒ nil
Stops drawing through the Shader.
#end_texture_mode ⇒ nil
Stops drawing to the RenderTexture.
#export_image(image, path) ⇒ nil
Exports an image to a file.
#fade(colour) ⇒ Colour
Returns a new colour which is a faded version of the original.
#files_dropped? ⇒ nil
Have their been files dropped that haven’t been dealt with?.
#gamepad_available?(index) ⇒ Bool
Return whether or not the specified gamepad is available.
#gamepad_button_down?(index, button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified button down on the specific gamepad?.
#gamepad_button_pressed?(index, button) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified button been pressed on the specific gamepad?.
#gamepad_button_released?(index, button) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified button been released on the specific gamepad?.
#gamepad_button_up?(index, button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified button not being pressed on the specific gamepad?.
#generate_image_colour(width, height, colour) ⇒ Image
Generates a new image of width by height in the specified colour.
#generate_texture_mipmaps(texture) ⇒ nil
Generates mipmaps for the Texture2D.
#get_attribute_from_element(selector, attribute) ⇒ String
Gets the attribute from the specified element.
#get_char_pressed ⇒ Integer
Returns the charcode for the pressed key, call it multiple times for queued keys.
#get_clipboard_text ⇒ String
Gets the clipboard value.
#get_current_monitor ⇒ Integer
Gets the id of the current monitor.
#get_dropped_files ⇒ Array<String>
Return an array of the files that were last dropped on the window, will return an empty array if no files have been dropped since the program started or this method was last called.
#get_fps ⇒ Integer
Returns the current framerate as an integer.
#get_frame_time ⇒ Float
Returns the amount of time the last frame took in seconds.
#get_gamepad_axis_count(index) ⇒ Integer
Returns the count of axis for the specified gamepad.
#get_gamepad_axis_movement(index, axis) ⇒ Float
Returns the movement of the specified axis for the specified gamepad.
#get_gamepad_button_pressed ⇒ Integer
Returns the last pressed gamepad button.
#get_gamepad_name(index) ⇒ String
Returns the specified gamepads name.
#get_gesture_detected ⇒ Integer
Returns the detected gestures based on their constant.
#get_key_pressed ⇒ Integer
Returns the keycode for the pressed key, call it multiple times for queued keys.
#get_monitor_count ⇒ Integer
Gets the total number of monitors the user has.
#get_monitor_height(monitor) ⇒ Integer
Gets the height of the specified monitor.
#get_monitor_position(monitor) ⇒ Vector2
Gets the position of the specified monitor.
#get_monitor_refresh_rate(monitor) ⇒ Integer
Gets the refresh rate of the specified monitor.
#get_monitor_width(monitor) ⇒ Integer
Gets the width of the specified monitor.
#get_mouse_position ⇒ Vector2
Returns the current mouse position in the window.
#get_mouse_wheel_move ⇒ Float
Returns the movement of the mouse wheel since last frame.
#get_mouse_x ⇒ Integer
Returns the current mouse x position in the window.
#get_mouse_y ⇒ Integer
Returns the current mouse y position in the window.
#get_music_time_length(music) ⇒ Float
Gets the length of a music object in seconds.
#get_music_time_played(music) ⇒ Float
Gets the time played of a music object in seconds.
#get_screen_data ⇒ Image
Returns an Image object with the screen data.
#get_screen_height ⇒ Integer
Gets the height of the window.
#get_screen_to_world2D(vector, camera) ⇒ Vector2
Translates the vector to where it is in the world based on it the camera.
#get_screen_width ⇒ Integer
Gets the width of the window.
#get_shader_location(shader, variable) ⇒ Integer
Returns the location of uniform variable, will return -1 if not found.
#get_time ⇒ Float
Returns the amount of time the has passed since init_window was called.
#get_touch_position(index) ⇒ Vector2
Get the position within the window of the specified touch.
#get_window_position ⇒ Vector2
Gets the position of the window.
#get_window_scale_dpi ⇒ Vector2
Gets the scale of the window.
#get_world_to_screen2D(vector, camera) ⇒ Vector2
Translates the vector to where it is on the screen according to the camera.
#hide_cursor ⇒ nil
Hides the cursor.
#image_alpha_mask!(image, alpha_mask) ⇒ nil
Applies the alpha of the mask to the image.
#image_alpha_premultiply!(image) ⇒ nil
Pre-multiplies the alpha for the image.
#image_colour_brightness!(image, brightness) ⇒ nil
Change the brightness of the image.
#image_colour_contrast!(image, contrast) ⇒ nil
Change the contrast of the image.
#image_colour_grayscale!(image) ⇒ nil
Converts the image to grayscale.
#image_colour_invert!(image) ⇒ nil
Inverts the colours of the image.
#image_colour_replace!(image, old_colour, new_colour) ⇒ nil
Replace the old Colour with the new Colour.
#image_colour_tint!(image, colour) ⇒ nil
Tints the image with the specified colour.
#image_copy(image) ⇒ Image
Copies an image to a new object.
#image_crop!(image, rectangle) ⇒ nil
Crops the image to the section in the rectangle.
#image_draw!(destination, source, source_rectangle, destination_rectangle, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws the specified portion of the source image into the specified region of the destination image.
#image_flip_horizontal!(image) ⇒ nil
Flips the image horizontally.
#image_flip_vertical!(image) ⇒ nil
Flips the image vertically.
#image_from_image(image, source) ⇒ Image
Returns a subsection of an image.
#image_mipmaps!(image) ⇒ nil
Generates mipmaps for the specified image.
#image_resize!(image, width, height) ⇒ nil
Resizes the image using a bicubic scaling algorithm.
#image_resize_nearest_neighbour!(image, width, height) ⇒ nil
Resizes the image using a nearest-neighbour scaling algorithm.
#image_rotate_ccw!(image) ⇒ nil
Rotates the image counter-clockwise 90 degrees.
#image_rotate_cw!(image) ⇒ nil
Rotates the image clockwise 90 degrees.
#image_text_ex(font, text, font_size, font_padding, colour) ⇒ Image
Creates an image from the font.
#init_audio_device ⇒ nil
Initialises the audio device for playback.
#init_window(width, height, title) ⇒ nil
Initialises a window for rendering.
#key_down?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified key down?.
#key_pressed?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified key been pressed since last frame?.
#key_released?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified key been released since last frame?.
#key_up?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified key not down?.
#linux? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform Linux?.
#load_font(path) ⇒ Font
Loads a font from a file.
#load_font_ex(path, font_size, char_count) ⇒ Font
Loads a font from a file with extended options.
#load_image(path) ⇒ Image
Loads an image from a file.
#load_music_stream(path) ⇒ Music
Loads a music object from a file.
#load_shader(vertex_shader_path, fragment_shader_path) ⇒ Shader
Loads a shader from a file.
#load_shader_from_string(vertex_shader_code, fragment_shader_code) ⇒ Shader
Loads a shader from in memory strings.
#load_sound(path) ⇒ Sound
Loads a sound object from a file.
#load_texture(path) ⇒ Texture2D
Loads a texture from a file.
#load_texture_from_image(image) ⇒ Texture2D
Loads a texture from an image object.
#maximise_window ⇒ nil
Maximises the window.
#measure_text_ex(font, text, font_size, font_padding) ⇒ Vector2
Returns the size of the text for the given font.
#minimise_window ⇒ nil
Minimises the window.
#mouse_button_down?(button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified mouse button down?.
#mouse_button_pressed?(button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified mouse button pressed?.
#mouse_button_released?(button) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified mouse button been released?.
#mouse_button_up?(button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified mouse button not down?.
#music_playing?(music) ⇒ Boolean
Checks whether or not a music object is currently playing.
#open_url(url) ⇒ nil
Opens the URL in the users browser.
#osx? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform OSX?.
#pause_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Pauses a music object so it can be resumed.
#pause_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Pauses a sound object so it can be resumed.
- #persist_buildkite_test_analytics ⇒ Object
#play_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Starts playback of a music object from the beginning.
#play_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Plays a sound object.
#released? ⇒ Boolean
Is this a release build?.
#restore_window ⇒ nil
Restores the window from being maximised or minimised.
#resume_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Resumes a paused music object.
#resume_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Resumes a paused sound object.
#scissor_mode(section) { ... } ⇒ nil
Allows you to call rendering functions within the block but limits the output to within the bounds of
. -
#set_clipboard_text(text) ⇒ nil
Sets the clipboard value.
#set_config_flags(flags) ⇒ nil
Enable specific config flags, to pass in multiple you can do so like:
. -
#set_exit_key(key) ⇒ nil
Sets the key for should_window_close? to listen for.
#set_gamepad_mappings(mappings) ⇒ Integer
Setup gamepad mappings using the SDL_GameControllerDB format.
#set_gestures_enabled(flags) ⇒ nil
Enable only specific gestures, to pass in multiple you can do so like:
set_gestures_enabled(GESTURE_TAP | GESTURE_SWIPE_UP)
. -
#set_main_loop(method) ⇒ nil
Sets the main loop for web exports.
#set_master_volume(volume) ⇒ nil
Sets the master volume.
#set_mouse_cursor(cursor) ⇒ nil
Sets the mouse cursor.
#set_mouse_offset(x, y) ⇒ nil
Sets the offset for all mouse position functions.
#set_mouse_position(x, y) ⇒ nil
Sets the position of the muose.
#set_mouse_scale(x, y) ⇒ nil
Sets the scaling for all mouse position functions.
#set_music_pitch(music, pitch) ⇒ nil
Sets pitch for a music object.
#set_music_volume(music, volume) ⇒ nil
Sets volume for a music object.
#set_shader_values(shader, variable_location, variables, variable_type) ⇒ Integer
Returns the location of uniform variable, will return -1 if not found.
#set_sound_pitch(sound, pitch) ⇒ nil
Sets the pitch of the sound object.
#set_sound_volume(sound, volume) ⇒ nil
Sets the volume of the sound object.
#set_target_fps(target) ⇒ nil
Set the framerate you wish to target (usually 60, 120, or 144).
#set_texture_filter(texture, filter) ⇒ nil
Sets the filtering for the Texture2D.
#set_trace_log_level(level) ⇒ nil
Sets the logging level.
#set_window_icon(image) ⇒ nil
Sets the icon for the current window.
#set_window_min_size(width, height) ⇒ nil
Sets the minimum allowed size for the current window.
#set_window_monitor(monitor) ⇒ nil
Sets the monitor for the current window.
#set_window_position(x, y) ⇒ nil
Sets the position for the current window.
#set_window_size(width, height) ⇒ nil
Sets the size for the current window.
#set_window_state(flags) ⇒ nil
Sets the specified states on the window, to pass in multiple you can do so like:
. -
#set_window_title(title) ⇒ nil
Sets the title for the current window.
#shader_ready?(shader) ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the shader is ready.
#show_cursor ⇒ nil
Shows the cursor.
#sound_playing?(sound) ⇒ Boolean
Checks whether or not a sound object is currently playing.
#stop_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Stops a music object from playing.
#stop_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Stops a sound object.
#take_screenshot(filename) ⇒ nil
You’ll want to call this function after you’ve called
or you’ll find that you don’t get everything that you think you’ve drawn. -
#toggle_fullscreen ⇒ nil
Toggles the fullscreen state.
#unload_font(font) ⇒ nil
Unloads a font from memory.
#unload_image(image) ⇒ nil
Unloads an image.
#unload_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Unloads a music object.
#unload_shader(shader) ⇒ nil
Unloads a shader.
#unload_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Unloads a sound object.
#unload_texture(texture) ⇒ nil
Unloads a texture.
#update_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Updates the buffer for the specified music, you should call this every frame.
- #upload_buildkite_test_analytics ⇒ Object
#window_focused? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has focus.
#window_fullscreen? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE state set.
#window_hidden? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN state set.
#window_maximised? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMISED state set.
#window_minimised? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMISED state set.
#window_ready? ⇒ Boolean
Has the window been initialised and ready for rendering?.
#window_resized? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window was resized since the last frame.
#window_should_close? ⇒ Boolean
Has the user pressed ESC or the close button?.
#window_state?(flags) ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the state set, to pass in multiple you can do so like:
. -
#windows? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform Windows?.
Instance Method Details
#android? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform Android?
3 4 5 6 7 |
# File 'mrb_doc/platform.rb', line 3 def android? # mrb_android # src/platform.cpp false end |
#audio_device_ready? ⇒ Boolean
Returns if the audio device has been setup
19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/device.rb', line 19 def audio_device_ready?() # mrb_audio_device_ready # src/mruby_integration/audio/device.cpp true end |
#begin_drawing ⇒ nil
Starts drawing to the screen
12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 12 def begin_drawing() # mrb_begin_drawing # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#begin_mode2D(camera) ⇒ nil
Starts drawing from the perspective of the camera
29 30 31 32 33 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 29 def begin_mode2D(camera) # mrb_begin_mode2D # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#begin_scissor_mode(x, y, width, height) ⇒ nil
In scissor mode only draw calls within the defined area will actually be drawn
83 84 85 86 87 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 83 def begin_scissor_mode(x, y, width, height) # mrb_begin_scissor_mode # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#begin_shader_mode(shader) ⇒ nil
All draw calls within will be drawn through the Shader
63 64 65 66 67 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 63 def begin_shader_mode(shader) # mrb_begin_shader_mode # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#begin_texture_mode(texture) ⇒ nil
Starts drawing to the RenderTexture
46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 46 def begin_texture_mode(texture) # mrb_begin_texture_mode # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#browser? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform a web browser?
35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'mrb_doc/platform.rb', line 35 def browser? # mrb_browser # src/platform.cpp false end |
#check_collision_point_rec(point, rectangle) ⇒ Boolean
Checks if a Vector2 is inside a Rectangle
5 6 7 8 9 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/collision.rb', line 5 def check_collision_point_rec(point, rectangle) # mrb_check_collision_point_rec # src/mruby_integration/shapes/collision.cpp true end |
#clear(colour: RAYWHITE) ⇒ nil
Clear the screen with the specified colour
4 5 6 |
# File 'src/ruby/core/drawing.rb', line 4 def clear(colour: RAYWHITE) clear_background(colour) end |
#clear_background(colour) ⇒ nil
Clears the screen with the specified colour
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 4 def clear_background(colour) # mrb_clear_background # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#clear_window_state(flags) ⇒ nil
Clears the specified states on the window, to pass in multiple you can do so like: clear_window_state(FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN | FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN)
108 109 110 111 112 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 108 def clear_window_state(flags) # mrb_clear_window_state # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#close_audio_device ⇒ nil
Closes the audio device
11 12 13 14 15 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/device.rb', line 11 def close_audio_device() # mrb_close_audio_device # src/mruby_integration/audio/device.cpp nil end |
#close_window ⇒ nil
Close the open window
22 23 24 25 26 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 22 def close_window() # mrb_close_window # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#cursor_hidden? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the cursor is hidden
19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/cursor.rb', line 19 def cursor_hidden?() # mrb_cursor_hidden # src/mruby_integration/core/cursor.cpp true end |
#cursor_on_screen? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the cursor is in the window
43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/cursor.rb', line 43 def cursor_on_screen? # mrb_cursor_on_screen # src/mruby_integration/core/cursor.cpp true end |
#disable_cursor ⇒ nil
Disables the cursor and hides it
35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/cursor.rb', line 35 def disable_cursor # mrb_disable_cursor # src/mruby_integration/core/cursor.cpp nil end |
#draw_circle(x, y, radius, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle
7 8 9 10 11 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/circle.rb', line 7 def draw_circle(x, y, radius, colour) # mrb_draw_circle # src/mruby_integration/shapes/circle.cpp nil end |
#draw_circle_gradient(x, y, radius, colour1, colour2) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle filled with a gradient
59 60 61 62 63 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/circle.rb', line 59 def draw_circle_gradient(x, y, radius, colour1, colour2) # mrb_draw_circle_gradient # src/mruby_integration/shapes/circle.cpp nil end |
#draw_circle_lines(x, y, radius, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of a circle
71 72 73 74 75 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/circle.rb', line 71 def draw_circle_lines(x, y, radius, colour) # mrb_draw_circle_lines # src/mruby_integration/shapes/circle.cpp nil end |
#draw_circle_sector(vector, radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle sector
32 33 34 35 36 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/circle.rb', line 32 def draw_circle_sector(vector, radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) # mrb_draw_circle_sector # src/mruby_integration/shapes/circle.cpp nil end |
#draw_circle_sector_lines(vector, radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle sector outline
46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/circle.rb', line 46 def draw_circle_sector_lines(vector, radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) # mrb_draw_circle_sector_lines # src/mruby_integration/shapes/circle.cpp nil end |
#draw_circle_v(vector, radius, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a circle
18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/circle.rb', line 18 def draw_circle_v(vector, radius, colour) # mrb_draw_circle_v # src/mruby_integration/shapes/circle.cpp nil end |
#draw_ellipse(x, y, radius_h, radius_v, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw an ellipse
8 9 10 11 12 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/ellipse.rb', line 8 def draw_ellipse(x, y, radius_h, radius_v, colour) # mrb_draw_ellipse # src/mruby_integration/shapes/ellipse.cpp nil end |
#draw_ellipse_lines(x, y, radius_h, radius_v, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of an ellipse
21 22 23 24 25 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/ellipse.rb', line 21 def draw_ellipse_lines(x, y, radius_h, radius_v, colour) # mrb_draw_ellipse_lines # src/mruby_integration/shapes/ellipse.cpp nil end |
#draw_fps(x, y) ⇒ nil
Draws the current frame rate at the passed in x and y coordinates.
34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'mrb_doc/text.rb', line 34 def draw_fps(x, y) # mrb_draw_fps # src/mruby_integration/text.cpp nil end |
#draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a line between the start and end points
8 9 10 11 12 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/line.rb', line 8 def draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, colour) # mrb_draw_line # src/mruby_integration/shapes/line.cpp nil end |
#draw_line_bezier(start, stop, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a bezier curve between the start and end points using Vector2s and specified thickness
43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/line.rb', line 43 def draw_line_bezier(start, stop, thickness, colour) # mrb_draw_line_bezier # src/mruby_integration/shapes/line.cpp nil end |
#draw_line_bezier_quad(start, stop, control, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a bezier curve between the start and end points passing through the control using Vector2s and specified thickness
56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/line.rb', line 56 def draw_line_bezier_quad(start, stop, control, thickness, colour) # mrb_draw_line_bezier_quad # src/mruby_integration/shapes/line.cpp nil end |
#draw_line_ex(start, stop, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a line between the start and end points using Vector2s and specified thickness
31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/line.rb', line 31 def draw_line_ex(start, stop, thickness, colour) # mrb_draw_line_ex # src/mruby_integration/shapes/line.cpp nil end |
#draw_line_strip(vectors, colour) ⇒ nil
I honestly don’t know how this method is supposed to work, I thought I had bugs in my code but reproducing it in plain C++ causes it to do the same things. As far as I can tell it just draws a line from 0, 0 to the first vector and nothing else.
69 70 71 72 73 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/line.rb', line 69 def draw_line_strip(vectors, colour) # mrb_draw_line_strips # src/mruby_integration/shapes/line.cpp nil end |
#draw_line_v(start, stop, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a line between the start and end points using Vector2s
19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/line.rb', line 19 def draw_line_v(start, stop, colour) # mrb_draw_line_v # src/mruby_integration/shapes/line.cpp nil end |
#draw_pixel(x, y, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a pixel
6 7 8 9 10 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/pixel.rb', line 6 def draw_pixel(x, y, colour) # mrb_draw_pixel # src/mruby_integration/shapes/pixel.cpp nil end |
#draw_pixel_v(position, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a pixel using a Vector2
16 17 18 19 20 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/pixel.rb', line 16 def draw_pixel_v(position, colour) # mrb_draw_pixel_v # src/mruby_integration/shapes/pixel.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle(x, y, width, height, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle
8 9 10 11 12 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 8 def draw_rectangle(x, y, width, height, colour) # mrb_draw_rectangle # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_gradient_ex(rectangle, colour1, colour2, colour3, colour4) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with a gradient from each vertex
71 72 73 74 75 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 71 def draw_rectangle_gradient_ex(rectangle, colour1, colour2, colour3, colour4) # mrb_draw_rectangle_gradient_ex # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_gradient_h(x, y, width, height, colour1, colour2) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with a gradient horizontally
58 59 60 61 62 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 58 def draw_rectangle_gradient_h(x, y, width, height, colour1, colour2) # mrb_draw_rectangle_gradient_h # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_gradient_v(x, y, width, height, colour1, colour2) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with a gradient vertically
44 45 46 47 48 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 44 def draw_rectangle_gradient_v(x, y, width, height, colour1, colour2) # mrb_draw_rectangle_gradient_v # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_lines(x, y, width, height, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle outline
84 85 86 87 88 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 84 def draw_rectangle_lines(x, y, width, height, colour) # mrb_draw_rectangle_lines # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_lines_ex(rectangle, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle outline with the specific thickness
95 96 97 98 99 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 95 def draw_rectangle_lines_ex(rectangle, thickness, colour) # mrb_draw_rectangle_lines_ex # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_pro(rectangle, origin, rotation, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with rotation
30 31 32 33 34 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 30 def draw_rectangle_pro(rectangle, origin, rotation, colour) # mrb_draw_rectangle_pro # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_rec(rectangle, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle
18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 18 def draw_rectangle_rec(rectangle, colour) # mrb_draw_rectangle_rec # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_rounded(rectangle, radius, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
107 108 109 110 111 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 107 def draw_rectangle_rounded(rectangle, radius, segments, colour) # mrb_draw_rectangle_rounded # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_rectangle_rounded_lines(rectangle, radius, segments, thickness, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of a rectangle with rounded corners
120 121 122 123 124 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/rectangle.rb', line 120 def draw_rectangle_rounded_lines(rectangle, radius, segments, thickness, colour) # mrb_draw_rectangle_rounded_lines # src/mruby_integration/shapes/rectangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_ring(vector, inner_radius, outer_radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a ring
10 11 12 13 14 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/ring.rb', line 10 def draw_ring(vector, inner_radius, outer_radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) # mrb_draw_ring # src/mruby_integration/shapes/ring.cpp nil end |
#draw_ring_lines(vector, inner_radius, outer_radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of a ring
25 26 27 28 29 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/ring.rb', line 25 def draw_ring_lines(vector, inner_radius, outer_radius, start_angle, end_angle, segments, colour) # mrb_draw_ring_lines # src/mruby_integration/shapes/ring.cpp nil end |
#draw_text(text, x, y, font_size, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws the current frame rate at the passed in x and y coordinates.
47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'mrb_doc/text.rb', line 47 def draw_text(text, x, y, font_size, colour) # mrb_draw_text # src/mruby_integration/text.cpp nil end |
#draw_text_ex(font, text, position, font_size, font_padding, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws the text at the given position, size, padding, and colour with the specified font
61 62 63 64 65 |
# File 'mrb_doc/text.rb', line 61 def draw_text_ex(font, text, position, font_size, font_padding, colour) # mrb_draw_text_ex # src/mruby_integration/text.cpp nil end |
#draw_texture(texture, x, y, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws a texture, the colour will apply a tint and alpha levels
34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'mrb_doc/textures.rb', line 34 def draw_texture(texture, x, y, colour) # mrb_draw_texture # src/mruby_integration/textures.cpp nil end |
#draw_texture_pro(texture, source, destination, origin, rotation, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws a section of texture with the specified rotation to the scaled to the destination rectangle, the colour will apply a tint and alpha levels
49 50 51 52 53 |
# File 'mrb_doc/textures.rb', line 49 def draw_texture_pro(texture, source, destination, origin, rotation, colour) # mrb_draw_texture_pro # src/mruby_integration/textures.cpp nil end |
#draw_triangle(left, right, top, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw a triangle
7 8 9 10 11 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/triangle.rb', line 7 def draw_triangle(left, right, top, colour) # mrb_draw_triangle # src/mruby_integration/shapes/triangle.cpp nil end |
#draw_triangle_lines(left, right, top, colour) ⇒ nil
Draw the outline of a triangle
19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shapes/triangle.rb', line 19 def draw_triangle_lines(left, right, top, colour) # mrb_draw_triangle_lines # src/mruby_integration/shapes/triangle.cpp nil end |
#drawing { ... } ⇒ nil
Allows you to call rendering functions within the block
11 12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'src/ruby/core/drawing.rb', line 11 def drawing(&block) begin_drawing ensure end_drawing end |
#enable_cursor ⇒ nil
Enables and shows the cursor
27 28 29 30 31 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/cursor.rb', line 27 def enable_cursor # mrb_enable_cursor # src/mruby_integration/core/cursor.cpp nil end |
#end_drawing ⇒ nil
Ends drawing to the screen
20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 20 def end_drawing() # mrb_end_drawing # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#end_mode2D ⇒ nil
Stops drawing from the perspective of the camera
37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 37 def end_mode2D() # mrb_end_mode2D # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#end_scissor_mode ⇒ nil
End scissor mode
91 92 93 94 95 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 91 def end_scissor_mode() # mrb_end_scissor_mode # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#end_shader_mode ⇒ nil
Stops drawing through the Shader
71 72 73 74 75 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 71 def end_shader_mode() # mrb_end_shader_mode # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#end_texture_mode ⇒ nil
Stops drawing to the RenderTexture
54 55 56 57 58 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/drawing.rb', line 54 def end_texture_mode() # mrb_end_texture_mode # src/mruby_integration/core/drawing.cpp nil end |
#export_image(image, path) ⇒ nil
Exports an image to a file
23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 23 def export_image(image, path) # mrb_export_image # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#fade(colour) ⇒ Colour
Returns a new colour which is a faded version of the original
58 59 60 61 62 |
# File 'mrb_doc/textures.rb', line 58 def fade(colour) # mrb_fade # src/mruby_integration/textures.cpp end |
#files_dropped? ⇒ nil
Have their been files dropped that haven’t been dealt with?
3 4 5 6 7 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/files.rb', line 3 def files_dropped?() # mrb_files_dropped # src/mruby_integration/core/files.cpp true end |
#gamepad_available?(index) ⇒ Bool
Return whether or not the specified gamepad is available
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 4 def gamepad_available?(index) # mrb_gamepad_available # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp true end |
#gamepad_button_down?(index, button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified button down on the specific gamepad?
33 34 35 36 37 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 33 def (index, ) # mrb_gamepad_button_down # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp true end |
#gamepad_button_pressed?(index, button) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified button been pressed on the specific gamepad?
23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 23 def (index, ) # mrb_gamepad_button_pressed # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp true end |
#gamepad_button_released?(index, button) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified button been released on the specific gamepad?
43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 43 def (index, ) # mrb_gamepad_button_released # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp false end |
#gamepad_button_up?(index, button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified button not being pressed on the specific gamepad?
53 54 55 56 57 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 53 def (index, ) # mrb_gamepad_button_up # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp true end |
#generate_image_colour(width, height, colour) ⇒ Image
Generates a new image of width by height in the specified colour.
34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 34 def generate_image_colour(width, height, colour) # mrb_generate_image_colour # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp end |
#generate_texture_mipmaps(texture) ⇒ nil
Generates mipmaps for the Texture2D
67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'mrb_doc/textures.rb', line 67 def generate_texture_mipmaps(texture) # mrb_gen_texture_mipmaps # src/mruby_integration/textures.cpp nil end |
#get_attribute_from_element(selector, attribute) ⇒ String
Gets the attribute from the specified element. If it’s a data attribute you can just pass ‘data-blah’
7 8 9 |
# File 'src/ruby/platform_specific/web.rb', line 7 def get_attribute_from_element(selector, attribute) raise PlatformSpecificMethodCalledOnWrongPlatformError, 'get_attribute_from_element is only available for Web exports' end |
#get_char_pressed ⇒ Integer
Returns the charcode for the pressed key, call it multiple times for queued keys
56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/keyboard.rb', line 56 def get_char_pressed # mrb_getchar_pressed # src/mruby_integration/core/input/keyboard.cpp 64 end |
#get_clipboard_text ⇒ String
Gets the clipboard value
52 53 54 55 56 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/misc.rb', line 52 def get_clipboard_text() # mrb_get_clipboard_text # src/mruby_integration/core/misc.cpp 'Clipboard Text' end |
#get_current_monitor ⇒ Integer
Gets the id of the current monitor
230 231 232 233 234 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 230 def get_current_monitor() # mrb_get_current_monitor # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp 0 end |
#get_dropped_files ⇒ Array<String>
Return an array of the files that were last dropped on the window, will return an empty array if no files have been dropped since the program started or this method was last called.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/files.rb', line 13 def get_dropped_files() # mrb_get_dropped_files # src/mruby_integration/core/files.cpp [ '/home/taylor/Gemfile', '/home/taylor/src/main.cpp', '/home/taylor/', ] end |
#get_fps ⇒ Integer
Returns the current framerate as an integer
12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/timing.rb', line 12 def get_fps() # mrb_get_fps # src/mruby_integration/core/timing.cpp 60 end |
#get_frame_time ⇒ Float
Returns the amount of time the last frame took in seconds
20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/timing.rb', line 20 def get_frame_time() # mrb_frame_time # src/mruby_integration/core/timing.cpp 0.01633 end |
#get_gamepad_axis_count(index) ⇒ Integer
Returns the count of axis for the specified gamepad
70 71 72 73 74 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 70 def get_gamepad_axis_count(index) # mrb_get_gamepad_axis_count # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp 2 end |
#get_gamepad_axis_movement(index, axis) ⇒ Float
Returns the movement of the specified axis for the specified gamepad
80 81 82 83 84 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 80 def get_gamepad_axis_movement(index, axis) # mrb_get_gamepad_axis_movement # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp 0.5 end |
#get_gamepad_button_pressed ⇒ Integer
Returns the last pressed gamepad button
61 62 63 64 65 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 61 def () # mrb_get_gamepad_button_pressed # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp 0 end |
#get_gamepad_name(index) ⇒ String
Returns the specified gamepads name
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 13 def get_gamepad_name(index) # mrb_get_gamepad_name # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp 'Xbox Controller' end |
#get_gesture_detected ⇒ Integer
Returns the detected gestures based on their constant
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/gestures.rb', line 13 def get_gesture_detected() # mrb_get_gesture_detected # src/mruby_integration/core/gestures.cpp GESTURE_TAP end |
#get_key_pressed ⇒ Integer
Returns the keycode for the pressed key, call it multiple times for queued keys
48 49 50 51 52 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/keyboard.rb', line 48 def get_key_pressed # mrb_get_key_pressed # src/mruby_integration/core/input/keyboard.cpp 64 end |
#get_monitor_count ⇒ Integer
Gets the total number of monitors the user has
222 223 224 225 226 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 222 def get_monitor_count() # mrb_get_monitor_count # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp 2 end |
#get_monitor_height(monitor) ⇒ Integer
Gets the height of the specified monitor
257 258 259 260 261 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 257 def get_monitor_height(monitor) # mrb_get_monitor_height # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp 1080 end |
#get_monitor_position(monitor) ⇒ Vector2
Gets the position of the specified monitor
239 240 241 242 243 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 239 def get_monitor_position(monitor) # mrb_get_monitor_position # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp, 0,) end |
#get_monitor_refresh_rate(monitor) ⇒ Integer
Gets the refresh rate of the specified monitor
266 267 268 269 270 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 266 def get_monitor_refresh_rate(monitor) # mrb_get_monitor_refresh_rate # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp 60 end |
#get_monitor_width(monitor) ⇒ Integer
Gets the width of the specified monitor
248 249 250 251 252 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 248 def get_monitor_width(monitor) # mrb_get_monitor_width # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp 1920 end |
#get_mouse_position ⇒ Vector2
Returns the current mouse position in the window
55 56 57 58 59 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 55 def get_mouse_position() # mrb_get_mouse_position # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp end |
#get_mouse_wheel_move ⇒ Float
Returns the movement of the mouse wheel since last frame
93 94 95 96 97 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 93 def get_mouse_wheel_move() # mrb_get_mouse_wheel_move # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp 0.5 end |
#get_mouse_x ⇒ Integer
Returns the current mouse x position in the window
39 40 41 42 43 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 39 def get_mouse_x() # mrb_get_mouse_x # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp 64 end |
#get_mouse_y ⇒ Integer
Returns the current mouse y position in the window
47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 47 def get_mouse_y() # mrb_get_mouse_y # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp 64 end |
#get_music_time_length(music) ⇒ Float
Gets the length of a music object in seconds
96 97 98 99 100 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 96 def get_music_time_length(music) # mrb_get_music_time_length # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#get_music_time_played(music) ⇒ Float
Gets the time played of a music object in seconds
105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 105 def get_music_time_played(music) # mrb_get_music_time_played # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#get_screen_data ⇒ Image
Returns an Image object with the screen data
245 246 247 248 249 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 245 def get_screen_data() # mrb_get_screen_data # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp end |
#get_screen_height ⇒ Integer
Gets the height of the window
214 215 216 217 218 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 214 def get_screen_height() # mrb_get_screen_height # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp 480 end |
#get_screen_to_world2D(vector, camera) ⇒ Vector2
Translates the vector to where it is in the world based on it the camera
15 16 17 18 19 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/screen_space.rb', line 15 def get_screen_to_world2D(vector, camera) # mrb_get_screen_to_world2D # src/mruby_integration/core/screen_space.cpp end |
#get_screen_width ⇒ Integer
Gets the width of the window
206 207 208 209 210 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 206 def get_screen_width() # mrb_get_screen_width # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp 640 end |
#get_shader_location(shader, variable) ⇒ Integer
Returns the location of uniform variable, will return -1 if not found.
43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shaders.rb', line 43 def get_shader_location(shader, variable) # mrb_get_shader_location # src/mruby_integration/shaders.cpp 1 end |
#get_time ⇒ Float
Returns the amount of time the has passed since init_window was called
28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/timing.rb', line 28 def get_time() # mrb_time # src/mruby_integration/core/timing.cpp 36.345 end |
#get_touch_position(index) ⇒ Vector2
Get the position within the window of the specified touch
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/touch.rb', line 4 def get_touch_position(index) # mrb_get_touch_position # src/mruby_integration/core/input/touch.cpp end |
#get_window_position ⇒ Vector2
Gets the position of the window
274 275 276 277 278 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 274 def get_window_position() # mrb_get_window_position # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp, 10) end |
#get_window_scale_dpi ⇒ Vector2
Gets the scale of the window
282 283 284 285 286 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 282 def get_window_scale_dpi() # mrb_get_window_scale_dpi # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp, 1) end |
#get_world_to_screen2D(vector, camera) ⇒ Vector2
Translates the vector to where it is on the screen according to the camera
5 6 7 8 9 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/screen_space.rb', line 5 def get_world_to_screen2D(vector, camera) # mrb_get_world_to_screen2D # src/mruby_integration/core/screen_space.cpp end |
#hide_cursor ⇒ nil
Hides the cursor
11 12 13 14 15 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/cursor.rb', line 11 def hide_cursor() # mrb_hide_cursor # src/mruby_integration/core/cursor.cpp nil end |
#image_alpha_mask!(image, alpha_mask) ⇒ nil
Applies the alpha of the mask to the image
110 111 112 113 114 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 110 def image_alpha_mask!(image, alpha_mask) # mrb_image_alpha_mask # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_alpha_premultiply!(image) ⇒ nil
Pre-multiplies the alpha for the image
119 120 121 122 123 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 119 def image_alpha_premultiply!(image) # mrb_image_alpha_premultiply # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_colour_brightness!(image, brightness) ⇒ nil
Change the brightness of the image
212 213 214 215 216 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 212 def image_colour_brightness!(image, brightness) # mrb_image_colour_brightness # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_colour_contrast!(image, contrast) ⇒ nil
Change the contrast of the image
202 203 204 205 206 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 202 def image_colour_contrast!(image, contrast) # mrb_image_colour_contrast # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_colour_grayscale!(image) ⇒ nil
Converts the image to grayscale
192 193 194 195 196 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 192 def image_colour_grayscale!(image) # mrb_image_colour_grayscale # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_colour_invert!(image) ⇒ nil
Inverts the colours of the image
183 184 185 186 187 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 183 def image_colour_invert!(image) # mrb_image_colour_invert # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_colour_replace!(image, old_colour, new_colour) ⇒ nil
Replace the old Colour with the new Colour
223 224 225 226 227 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 223 def image_colour_replace!(image, old_colour, new_colour) # mrb_image_colour_replace # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_colour_tint!(image, colour) ⇒ nil
Tints the image with the specified colour
174 175 176 177 178 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 174 def image_colour_tint!(image, colour) # mrb_image_colour_tint # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_copy(image) ⇒ Image
Copies an image to a new object
43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 43 def image_copy(image) # mrb_image_copy # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp end |
#image_crop!(image, rectangle) ⇒ nil
Crops the image to the section in the rectangle
100 101 102 103 104 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 100 def image_crop!(image, rectangle) # mrb_image_crop # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_draw!(destination, source, source_rectangle, destination_rectangle, colour) ⇒ nil
Draws the specified portion of the source image into the specified region of the destination image.
237 238 239 240 241 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 237 def image_draw!(destination, source, source_rectangle, destination_rectangle, colour) # mrb_image_draw # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_flip_horizontal!(image) ⇒ nil
Flips the image horizontally
146 147 148 149 150 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 146 def image_flip_horizontal!(image) # mrb_image_flip_horizontal # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_flip_vertical!(image) ⇒ nil
Flips the image vertically
128 129 130 131 132 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 128 def image_flip_vertical!(image) # mrb_image_flip_vertical # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_from_image(image, source) ⇒ Image
Returns a subsection of an image
53 54 55 56 57 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 53 def image_from_image(image, source) # mrb_image_from_image # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp end |
#image_mipmaps!(image) ⇒ nil
Generates mipmaps for the specified image
137 138 139 140 141 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 137 def image_mipmaps!(image) # mrb_image_mipmaps # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_resize!(image, width, height) ⇒ nil
Resizes the image using a bicubic scaling algorithm. Useful for things like photos, not great for pixel art.
78 79 80 81 82 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 78 def image_resize!(image, width, height) # mrb_image_resize # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_resize_nearest_neighbour!(image, width, height) ⇒ nil
Resizes the image using a nearest-neighbour scaling algorithm. Useful for things like pixel art, not great for photos.
90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 90 def image_resize_nearest_neighbour!(image, width, height) # mrb_image_resize_nearest_neighbour # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_rotate_ccw!(image) ⇒ nil
Rotates the image counter-clockwise 90 degrees
164 165 166 167 168 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 164 def image_rotate_ccw!(image) # mrb_image_rotate_ccw # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_rotate_cw!(image) ⇒ nil
Rotates the image clockwise 90 degrees
155 156 157 158 159 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 155 def image_rotate_cw!(image) # mrb_image_rotate_cw # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#image_text_ex(font, text, font_size, font_padding, colour) ⇒ Image
Creates an image from the font
66 67 68 69 70 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 66 def image_text_ex(font, text, font_size, font_padding, colour) # mrb_image_text_ex # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp end |
#init_audio_device ⇒ nil
Initialises the audio device for playback
3 4 5 6 7 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/device.rb', line 3 def init_audio_device() # mrb_init_audio_device # src/mruby_integration/audio/device.cpp nil end |
#init_window(width, height, title) ⇒ nil
Initialises a window for rendering
6 7 8 9 10 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 6 def init_window(width, height, title) # mrb_init_window # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#key_down?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified key down?
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/keyboard.rb', line 13 def key_down?(key) # mrb_key_down # src/mruby_integration/core/input/keyboard.cpp True end |
#key_pressed?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified key been pressed since last frame?
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/keyboard.rb', line 4 def key_pressed?(key) # mrb_key_pressed # src/mruby_integration/core/input/keyboard.cpp True end |
#key_released?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified key been released since last frame?
22 23 24 25 26 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/keyboard.rb', line 22 def key_released?(key) # mrb_key_released # src/mruby_integration/core/input/keyboard.cpp False end |
#key_up?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified key not down?
31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/keyboard.rb', line 31 def key_up?(key) # mrb_key_up # src/mruby_integration/core/input/keyboard.cpp False end |
#linux? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform Linux?
11 12 13 14 15 |
# File 'mrb_doc/platform.rb', line 11 def linux? # mrb_linux # src/platform.cpp true end |
#load_font(path) ⇒ Font
Loads a font from a file
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/text.rb', line 4 def load_font(path) # mrb_load_font # src/mruby_integration/text.cpp end |
#load_font_ex(path, font_size, char_count) ⇒ Font
Loads a font from a file with extended options
15 16 17 18 19 |
# File 'mrb_doc/text.rb', line 15 def load_font_ex(path, font_size, char_count) # mrb_load_font_ex # src/mruby_integration/text.cpp end |
#load_image(path) ⇒ Image
Loads an image from a file
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 4 def load_image(path) # mrb_load_image # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp end |
#load_music_stream(path) ⇒ Music
Loads a music object from a file
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 4 def load_music_stream(path) # mrb_load_music_stream # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp end |
#load_shader(vertex_shader_path, fragment_shader_path) ⇒ Shader
Loads a shader from a file
15 16 17 18 19 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shaders.rb', line 15 def load_shader(vertex_shader_path, fragment_shader_path) # mrb_load_shader # src/mruby_integration/shaders.cpp end |
#load_shader_from_string(vertex_shader_code, fragment_shader_code) ⇒ Shader
Loads a shader from in memory strings
5 6 7 8 9 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shaders.rb', line 5 def load_shader_from_string(vertex_shader_code, fragment_shader_code) # mrb_load_shader # src/mruby_integration/shaders.cpp end |
#load_sound(path) ⇒ Sound
Loads a sound object from a file
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 4 def load_sound(path) # mrb_load_sound # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp end |
#load_texture(path) ⇒ Texture2D
Loads a texture from a file
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/textures.rb', line 4 def load_texture(path) # mrb_load_texture # src/mruby_integration/textures.cpp end |
#load_texture_from_image(image) ⇒ Texture2D
Loads a texture from an image object
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'mrb_doc/textures.rb', line 13 def load_texture_from_image(image) # mrb_load_texture_from_image # src/mruby_integration/textures.cpp end |
#maximise_window ⇒ nil
Maximises the window
124 125 126 127 128 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 124 def maximise_window() # mrb_maximise_window # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#measure_text_ex(font, text, font_size, font_padding) ⇒ Vector2
Returns the size of the text for the given font
73 74 75 76 77 |
# File 'mrb_doc/text.rb', line 73 def measure_text_ex(font, text, font_size, font_padding) # mrb_measure_text_ex # src/mruby_integration/text.cpp, 12) end |
#minimise_window ⇒ nil
Minimises the window
132 133 134 135 136 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 132 def minimise_window() # mrb_minimise_window # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#mouse_button_down?(button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified mouse button down?
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 13 def () # mrb_mouse_button_down # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp true end |
#mouse_button_pressed?(button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified mouse button pressed?
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 4 def () # mrb_mouse_button_pressed # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp true end |
#mouse_button_released?(button) ⇒ Boolean
Has the specified mouse button been released?
22 23 24 25 26 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 22 def () # mrb_mouse_button_released # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp false end |
#mouse_button_up?(button) ⇒ Boolean
Is the specified mouse button not down?
31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 31 def () # mrb_mouse_button_up # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp false end |
#music_playing?(music) ⇒ Boolean
Checks whether or not a music object is currently playing
31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 31 def (music) # mrb_music_playing # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp true end |
#open_url(url) ⇒ nil
Opens the URL in the users browser
35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/misc.rb', line 35 def open_url(url) # mrb_open_url # src/mruby_integration/core/misc.cpp nil end |
#osx? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform OSX?
27 28 29 30 31 |
# File 'mrb_doc/platform.rb', line 27 def osx? # mrb_osx # src/platform.cpp false end |
#pause_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Pauses a music object so it can be resumed
58 59 60 61 62 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 58 def pause_music_stream(music) # mrb_pause_music_stream # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#pause_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Pauses a sound object so it can be resumed
40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 40 def pause_sound(sound) # mrb_pause_sound # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp nil end |
#persist_buildkite_test_analytics ⇒ Object
111 112 113 114 115 |
# File 'src/ruby/core/buildkite_analytics.rb', line 111 def persist_buildkite_test_analytics output ='test-analytics.json', 'w') output.write($buildkite_test_analytics.to_json) output.close end |
#play_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Starts playback of a music object from the beginning
22 23 24 25 26 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 22 def play_music_stream(music) # mrb_play_music_stream # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#play_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Plays a sound object
22 23 24 25 26 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 22 def play_sound(sound) # mrb_play_sound # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp nil end |
#released? ⇒ Boolean
Is this a release build?
43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'mrb_doc/platform.rb', line 43 def released? # mrb_released # src/platform.cpp true end |
#restore_window ⇒ nil
I don’t think it currently works for restoring from minimised
Restores the window from being maximised or minimised
141 142 143 144 145 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 141 def restore_window() # mrb_restore_window # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#resume_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Resumes a paused music object
67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 67 def resume_music_stream(music) # mrb_resume_music_stream # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#resume_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Resumes a paused sound object
49 50 51 52 53 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 49 def resume_sound(sound) # mrb_resume_sound # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp nil end |
#scissor_mode(section) { ... } ⇒ nil
Allows you to call rendering functions within the block but limits the output to within the bounds of section
23 24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'src/ruby/core/drawing.rb', line 23 def scissor_mode(section, &block) begin_scissor_mode(section.x, section.y, section.width, section.height) ensure end_scissor_mode end |
#set_clipboard_text(text) ⇒ nil
Sets the clipboard value
44 45 46 47 48 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/misc.rb', line 44 def set_clipboard_text(text) # mrb_set_clipboard_text # src/mruby_integration/core/misc.cpp nil end |
#set_config_flags(flags) ⇒ nil
Enable specific config flags, to pass in multiple you can do so like: set_config_flags(FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST | FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)
17 18 19 20 21 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/misc.rb', line 17 def set_config_flags(flags) # mrb_set_config_flags # src/mruby_integration/core/misc.cpp nil end |
#set_exit_key(key) ⇒ nil
Sets the key for should_window_close? to listen for
40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/keyboard.rb', line 40 def set_exit_key(key) # mrb_set_exit_key # src/mruby_integration/core/input/keyboard.cpp nil end |
#set_gamepad_mappings(mappings) ⇒ Integer
Setup gamepad mappings using the SDL_GameControllerDB format
90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/gamepad.rb', line 90 def set_gamepad_mappings(mappings) # mrb_set_gamepad_mappings # src/mruby_integration/core/input/gamepad.cpp 1 end |
#set_gestures_enabled(flags) ⇒ nil
Enable only specific gestures, to pass in multiple you can do so like: set_gestures_enabled(GESTURE_TAP | GESTURE_SWIPE_UP)
5 6 7 8 9 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/gestures.rb', line 5 def set_gestures_enabled(flags) # mrb_set_gestures_enabled # src/mruby_integration/core/gestures.cpp nil end |
#set_main_loop(method) ⇒ nil
Sets the main loop for web exports
5 6 7 8 9 |
# File 'mrb_doc/web.rb', line 5 def set_main_loop(method) # mrb_set_main_loop # src/web.cpp nil end |
#set_master_volume(volume) ⇒ nil
Sets the master volume
28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/device.rb', line 28 def set_master_volume(volume) # mrb_set_master_volume # src/mruby_integration/audio/device.cpp nil end |
#set_mouse_cursor(cursor) ⇒ nil
Sets the mouse cursor
102 103 104 105 106 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 102 def set_mouse_cursor(cursor) # mrb_set_mouse_cursor # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp nil end |
#set_mouse_offset(x, y) ⇒ nil
Sets the offset for all mouse position functions
75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 75 def set_mouse_offset(x, y) # mrb_set_mouse_offset # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp nil end |
#set_mouse_position(x, y) ⇒ nil
Sets the position of the muose
65 66 67 68 69 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 65 def set_mouse_position(x, y) # mrb_set_mouse_position # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp nil end |
#set_mouse_scale(x, y) ⇒ nil
Sets the scaling for all mouse position functions
85 86 87 88 89 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/input/mouse.rb', line 85 def set_mouse_scale(x, y) # mrb_set_mouse_scale # src/mruby_integration/core/input/mouse.cpp nil end |
#set_music_pitch(music, pitch) ⇒ nil
Sets pitch for a music object
87 88 89 90 91 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 87 def set_music_pitch(music, pitch) # mrb_set_music_pitch # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#set_music_volume(music, volume) ⇒ nil
Sets volume for a music object
77 78 79 80 81 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 77 def set_music_volume(music, volume) # mrb_set_music_volume # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#set_shader_values(shader, variable_location, variables, variable_type) ⇒ Integer
Returns the location of uniform variable, will return -1 if not found.
55 56 57 58 59 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shaders.rb', line 55 def set_shader_values(shader, variable_location, variables, variable_type) # mrb_set_shader_values # src/mruby_integration/shaders.cpp 1 end |
#set_sound_pitch(sound, pitch) ⇒ nil
Sets the pitch of the sound object
79 80 81 82 83 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 79 def set_sound_pitch(sound, pitch) # mrb_set_sound_pitch # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp 1 end |
#set_sound_volume(sound, volume) ⇒ nil
Sets the volume of the sound object
69 70 71 72 73 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 69 def set_sound_volume(sound, volume) # mrb_set_sound_volume # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp 1 end |
#set_target_fps(target) ⇒ nil
Set the framerate you wish to target (usually 60, 120, or 144)
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/timing.rb', line 4 def set_target_fps(target) # mrb_set_target_fps # src/mruby_integration/core/timing.cpp nil end |
#set_texture_filter(texture, filter) ⇒ nil
Sets the filtering for the Texture2D
77 78 79 80 81 |
# File 'mrb_doc/textures.rb', line 77 def set_texture_filter(texture, filter) # mrb_set_texture_filter # src/mruby_integration/textures.cpp nil end |
#set_trace_log_level(level) ⇒ nil
Sets the logging level
26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/misc.rb', line 26 def set_trace_log_level(level) # mrb_set_trace_log_level # src/mruby_integration/core/misc.cpp nil end |
#set_window_icon(image) ⇒ nil
Sets the icon for the current window
150 151 152 153 154 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 150 def set_window_icon(image) # mrb_set_window_icon # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#set_window_min_size(width, height) ⇒ nil
Sets the minimum allowed size for the current window
188 189 190 191 192 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 188 def set_window_min_size(width, height) # mrb_set_window_min_size # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#set_window_monitor(monitor) ⇒ nil
Sets the monitor for the current window
178 179 180 181 182 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 178 def set_window_monitor(monitor) # mrb_set_window_monitor # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#set_window_position(x, y) ⇒ nil
Sets the position for the current window
169 170 171 172 173 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 169 def set_window_position(x, y) # mrb_set_window_position # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#set_window_size(width, height) ⇒ nil
Sets the size for the current window
198 199 200 201 202 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 198 def set_window_size(width, height) # mrb_set_window_size # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#set_window_state(flags) ⇒ nil
Sets the specified states on the window, to pass in multiple you can do so like: set_window_state(FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN | FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN)
50 51 52 53 54 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 50 def set_window_state(flags) # mrb_clear_window_state # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#set_window_title(title) ⇒ nil
Sets the title for the current window
159 160 161 162 163 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 159 def set_window_title(title) # mrb_set_window_title # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#shader_ready?(shader) ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the shader is ready
33 34 35 36 37 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shaders.rb', line 33 def shader_ready?(shader) # mrb_shader_ready # src/mruby_integration/shaders.cpp True end |
#show_cursor ⇒ nil
Shows the cursor
3 4 5 6 7 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/cursor.rb', line 3 def show_cursor() # mrb_show_cursor # src/mruby_integration/core/cursor.cpp nil end |
#sound_playing?(sound) ⇒ Boolean
Checks whether or not a sound object is currently playing
58 59 60 61 62 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 58 def (sound) # mrb_sound_playing # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp true end |
#stop_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Stops a music object from playing
49 50 51 52 53 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 49 def stop_music_stream(music) # mrb_stop_music_stream # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#stop_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Stops a sound object
31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 31 def stop_sound(sound) # mrb_stop_sound # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp nil end |
#take_screenshot(filename) ⇒ nil
You’ll want to call this function after you’ve called end_drawing
or you’ll find that you don’t get everything that you think you’ve drawn.
The extension of filename
will dictate how the screenshot is saved.
7 8 9 10 11 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/misc.rb', line 7 def take_screenshot(filename) # mrb_take_screenshot # src/mruby_integration/core/misc.cpp nil end |
#toggle_fullscreen ⇒ nil
Toggles the fullscreen state
116 117 118 119 120 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 116 def toggle_fullscreen() # mrb_toggle_fullscreen # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp nil end |
#unload_font(font) ⇒ nil
Unloads a font from memory
24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'mrb_doc/text.rb', line 24 def unload_font(font) # mrb_unload_font # src/mruby_integration/text.cpp nil end |
#unload_image(image) ⇒ nil
Unloads an image
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'mrb_doc/image.rb', line 13 def unload_image(image) # mrb_unload_image # src/mruby_integration/image.cpp nil end |
#unload_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Unloads a music object
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 13 def unload_music_stream(music) # mrb_unload_music_stream # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#unload_shader(shader) ⇒ nil
Unloads a shader
24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'mrb_doc/shaders.rb', line 24 def unload_shader(shader) # mrb_unload_shader # src/mruby_integration/shaders.cpp nil end |
#unload_sound(sound) ⇒ nil
Unloads a sound object
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/sound.rb', line 13 def unload_sound(sound) # mrb_load_sound # src/mruby_integration/audio/sound.cpp nil end |
#unload_texture(texture) ⇒ nil
Unloads a texture
22 23 24 25 26 |
# File 'mrb_doc/textures.rb', line 22 def unload_texture(texture) # mrb_unload_texture # src/mruby_integration/textures.cpp nil end |
#update_music_stream(music) ⇒ nil
Updates the buffer for the specified music, you should call this every frame
40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'mrb_doc/audio/music.rb', line 40 def update_music_stream(music) # mrb_update_music_stream # src/mruby_integration/audio/music.cpp nil end |
#upload_buildkite_test_analytics ⇒ Object
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'src/ruby/core/buildkite_analytics.rb', line 73 def upload_buildkite_test_analytics return unless ENV['BUILDKITE_TEST_ANALYTICS_KEY'] puts puts "Found a Buildkite test analytics key, let's upload our results!" puts "..." client ='https', '', 443) response = client.request( "POST", '/v1/uploads', { 'Authorization' => "Token token=\"#{ENV['BUILDKITE_TEST_ANALYTICS_KEY']}\"", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Body' => { format: 'json', run_env: { "CI" => "buildkite", "key" => ENV['BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID'], "number" => ENV['BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'], "job_id" => ENV['BUILDKITE_JOB_ID'], "branch" => ENV['BUILDKITE_BRANCH'], "commit_sha" => ENV['BUILDKITE_COMMIT'], "message" => ENV['BUILDKITE_MESSAGE'], "url" => ENV['BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL'] }, data: $buildkite_test_analytics }.to_json } ) response_data = JSON.parse(response.body) puts "ID: #{response_data['id']}" puts "Run ID: #{response_data['run_id']}" puts "Queued: #{response_data['queued']}" puts "Done!" end |
#window_focused? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has focus
90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 90 def window_focused?() # mrb_window_focused # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp true end |
#window_fullscreen? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE state set
58 59 60 61 62 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 58 def window_fullscreen?() # mrb_window_fullscreen # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp true end |
#window_hidden? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN state set
66 67 68 69 70 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 66 def window_hidden?() # mrb_window_hidden # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp false end |
#window_maximised? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMISED state set
82 83 84 85 86 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 82 def window_maximised?() # mrb_window_maximised # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp true end |
#window_minimised? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMISED state set
74 75 76 77 78 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 74 def window_minimised?() # mrb_window_minimised # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp false end |
#window_ready? ⇒ Boolean
Has the window been initialised and ready for rendering?
30 31 32 33 34 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 30 def window_ready?() # mrb_window_ready # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp true end |
#window_resized? ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window was resized since the last frame
98 99 100 101 102 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 98 def window_resized?() # mrb_window_resized # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp false end |
#window_should_close? ⇒ Boolean
Has the user pressed ESC or the close button?
14 15 16 17 18 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 14 def window_should_close?() # mrb_window_should_close # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp false end |
#window_state?(flags) ⇒ Boolean
Checks if the window has the state set, to pass in multiple you can do so like: window_state?(FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN | FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN)
40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'mrb_doc/core/window.rb', line 40 def window_state?(flags) # mrb_window_state # src/mruby_integration/core/window.cpp true end |
#windows? ⇒ Boolean
Is the current platform Windows?
19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'mrb_doc/platform.rb', line 19 def windows? # mrb_windows # src/platform.cpp false end |